How does it work?
A theragun uses percussive therapy: pressure and vibration on a tissue combining torque, frequency and amplitude.
What does it do?
Relieves pain
Releases histamines
Decreases inflammation
Improves blood flow
Improves range of motion
Improves flexibility
Decreases lactic acid
Improves fascia mobility
What types of diagnosis will we use it on?
Low back pain
Neck pain
Shoulder pain: impingement, rotator cuff tendonitis
Elbow pain: tennis elbow, golfer’s elbow
Hip pain: bursitis, ITB pain
Knee pain: bursitis, tendonitis
Foot pain: plantar fasciitis
After a workout
How we will use it in the PT clinic:
To improve localized blood flow
To improve global or general blood flow
To inhibit or suppress tight muscles
To improve nerve mobility
To activate or stimulate muscles
We can use it to aid in your recovery after a workout
The Theragun has different attachments that we will use to ensure your comfort and maximize your response to percussion therapy.